A European research project exploring the current diagnostic and treatment practices for
severe behaviour problems (SBPs; Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder) in
children aged 6-12 is currently conducted at CURIUM-LUMC, Netherlands, under the
supervision of Prof. Dr. Robert Vermeiren. The project is part of an international study
consortium investigating aggression in children, titled ACTION (www.action-euproject.eu).
At present, it is unknown what diagnostic and intervention strategies are employed within
different European countries. Moreover, critical needs that could be addressed to improve the
provision of care for this population across Europe have not been investigated yet. Such issues
are targeted in this project and your experience in the field would be invaluable for answering
these questions.
You are kindly invited to participate in a 15 minutes long online survey with mainly multiplechoice
questions. You can fill in the questionnaire either in English or your language of
choice. Data will not be linked to any identifying information and will be dealt with
confidentially. You can access the survey via the following link:
As we are aiming to publish this research, obtaining information about the current clinical
practices and associated potential critical needs to facilitate the provision of services for
children with SBPs within your country would be extremely valuable.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to know more about
the project. Your contribution to this study would be greatly appreciated.